4Pro 60 Gallon Stainless Steel Indirect Water Heater With Top Connections, Factory Installed PRV & Control Lifetime Warranty
MFG #4PRO-60

Capacity : 60 Gallons
Manufacturer Name : 4Pro
Warranty : Lifetime
- Tanks and coils are all stainless steel construction
- Large, smooth-wall coils deliver full output for years — no finned tubing to collect lime and sediment
- Over 2" of insulation, providing less than 1 degree / hr. heat loss
- Flexible thermoplastic jacket that will not corrode and resists denting
- All connections are on top on the standard units for a neat, quick, and clean installation
- Brass drain and relief valves are factory installed
- A high quality thermal well comes standard
- Install Instructions
Specification Sheet - 4Pro's high efficiency indirect water heaters are made with quality stainless steel materials that provide excellent heat transfer and a longer tank life, as well as abundant hot water and low operating costs. Indirect water heaters work in conjunction with a boiler to heat the water that's circulated through the heat exchanger in the tank. When paired with an high efficiency boiler, 4Pro's indirect water heaters can generate over 50% more hot water than many water heaters of similar size.