1353-92-1013-36 Conflex 3/4" MPT X 3/4" IPS 36" PE Flex Riser With Liner Sleeve
Part #CS34MPT.IPS.36CR
MFG #1353-92-1013-36

End Connection : Iron Pipe Size X Male Thread
Fitting Size : 3/4"
Fitting Type : Meter Riser
Length : 36"
Manufacturer Name : Continental
- Conflex Risers are designed to meet or exceed pressure rating of PE pipe per 49 CFR Part 192 and ASTM D2513
- Conflex Risers conform to trench depth and flex with ground movement
- Conflex Risers may be installed with or without meter set present
- Conflex Risers have a swivel feature to allow tightening the Service Head Adapter without turning the flex hose
- Service Head Adapter design has been used in the natural gas industry since 1967
- Conflex Risers meet the requirements of
- ASTM D 2513, D.O.T. Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 192.283 (b) and 192.375
- NFPA 54 and NFPA 58
- Flex riser, 3/4IN MPT X 3/4IN IPS SDR-11, PE COMP X 36" Long, with liner sleeve