1101209 Sloan SU-1209 Vitreous China Retrofit Washdown Urinal
Part #SLO1101209
MFG #1101209

Manufacturer Name : Sloan
- Install Instructions
Specification Sheet - Designed to maximize and complement Sloan flushometers
- Oversized footprint is ideal for retrofit jobs to cover old caulk lines
- Universal high-efficency model works with 0.125, 0.25 and 0.5 gpf Sloan flushometers
- Thorough washdown flushing action
- Vandal resistant stainless steel strainer included
- IAPMO certified to meet or exceed ASME A112.19.2 standards
- Water Sense listed by EPA that qualifies for most rebate programs
- Meets ADA guidelines and ANSI A117.1 requirements when installed accordingly