01714 Diversitech 12 Oz Spray Foam Sealant
Part #DIV01714
MFG #01714

Manufacturer Name : Diversitech
- Foam Sealant
- Applicable Standard UL
- Type Polyurethane
- Container Type Can
- Container Capacity 12 Oz
- Color Pale Amber
- Setting Time Tack Free 20 Minute, Full Cure 12 Hour
- Application Lineal Caulking, Window, Door, Pipe, Duct, Vent
- Specific Gravity 1.2
- Boiling Point -42 Deg F
- Packaging Quantity 12
- MSDS Sheets
- One Component Closed-Cell Expanding Polyurethane Foam Sealant for Lineal Caulking Applications; Air Moisture Cure; Paintable; Use for Insulating and Sealing Around Windows, Doors, Pipes, Ducts and Vents; Non-Toxic When Cured; Paint to Protect from UV Exposure; "R" Value 4.7 (1" Thickness); Foam Contains Fire Retarding Chemical and is UL Listed but Not Rated as a Firestop Product; Environmental Concerns have Led Us to Replace CFC and HCF with Hydrocarbon Material in Our One Component Foam Products