UPC-26TC-6 Unico 2" X 12' R3.3 Round Twist-Fit Sound Attenuator Supply Flex Duct Box of 6

Manufacturer Name : Unico
- There are two styles of supply duct-Sound Attenuator tubing, sold in (also 3ft lengths) 12' lengths and Aluminum Core tubing, sold in 25' lengths
- They are all available in R3.3, R4.2, R6 and R8 insulation (3ft duct only available in R3 and R4 right now)
- Both styles of tubing can be cut to length as needed
- The inner core layer of the tubing is either-Two-ply corrugated aluminum OR spun bound nylon
- The outer jacket for all is made of a two-ply reinforced reflective mylar-providing a vapor seal to prevent leakage and moisture migration and increases the insulation factor by reducing the radiant heat transfer
- A fiberglass blanket insulation then fills the void between the jacket and the core
- The R3.3 and R4 duct have one insulation layer and vapor barrier
- The R6 and R8 have two layers of insulation and a double vapor seal
- Specification Sheet
- This is our sound attenuator flexible duct 2" inside diameter 3.5" outside diameter insulated to R3.3 with 1 vapor barrier. They come in a box quantity of 6 - 12' lengths with our Twist-Fit connectors on each end. The Unico System uses less than one-third of the space in the built environment than a traditional system. It can deliver up to 9 tons of air conditioning in the same space as a 3-ton traditional unit.