304132 Hardcast FG-550 Gray 1 Gallon Duct Sealant
Part #HAR304132
MFG #304132

Manufacturer Name : Hardcast
- Duct Sealant
- Applicable Standard UL (Canada and US), UL 181B-M, ASTM C731/D2202, SCAQMD 1168, USDA, EPA, FDA
- Type Synthetic Latex
- Container Type Pail
- Container Capacity 1 Gallon
- Color Gray
- Setting Time 48 Hour
- Temperature Rating 35 to 110 Deg F
- Application Metal Duct, Fiberglass Duct Board, Flex Duct, Duct Fabric, Flexible Tubing Runout
- VOC 49 Gram per Liter
- Boiling Point 212 Deg F
- Service Temperature Rating -20 to 200 Deg F
- Solids Content 63 Percent
- Weight per Gallon 10.7 Lb
- Warranty 1 Year Shelf Life
- MSDS Sheets
Specification Sheet - Flex-Grip 550 is an All Purpose, Fiber-Free, Indoor/Outdoor Duct Sealant; Distinguished by its Ability to Accommodate Minor Vibration and Movement, Flex-Grip 550 Stays Flexible to Save Call Back Labor; Flex-Grip 550's Excellent Coverage Rates and Easy Brush on Application Provide Low Installed Cost; Mold and Mildew Resistant; Excellent Water Resistance; 1 Year Shelf Life Warranty